adverb வினை உரிச்சொல்

Beneath meaning in tamil


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    in or to a place that is lower

    அல்லது குறைந்த இடத்தில்

  • Synonyms

    below (கீழே)

preposition முன்னிடைச்சொல்

Beneath meaning in tamil


  • Definitions

    1. Below.


  • Examples:
    1. Beneath a rude and nameless stone he lies.

    2. Here, in the transept and choir, where the service was being held, one was conscious every moment of an increasing brightness; colours glowing vividly beneath the circular chandeliers, and the rows of small lights on the choristers' desks flashed and sparkled in front of the boys' faces, deep linen collars, and red neckbands.

    3. Our country sinks beneath the yoke.

  • 2. In a position that is lower in rank, dignity, etc.

    பதவி, கௌரவம் போன்றவற்றில் தாழ்ந்த நிலையில்.

  • Examples:
    1. He will do nothing that is beneath his high station.

  • Synonyms

    beneath the surface (மேற்பரப்பில் கீழே)

adverb வினை உரிச்சொல்

Beneath meaning in tamil


  • Definitions

    1. Below or underneath.

    கீழே அல்லது கீழே.

  • Examples:
    1. Of all the transitions brought about on the Earth’s surface by temperature change, the melting of ice into water is the starkest. It is binary. And for the land beneath, the air above and the life around, it changes everything.