noun संज्ञा

Monolith meaning in hindi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a single great stone (often in the form of a column or obelisk)

    एक महान पत्थर (अक्सर एक स्तंभ या ओबिलिस्क के रूप में)

verb क्रिया

Monolith meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. To create (something) as, or convert (one or more things) into, a monolith.

    (कुछ) बनाने के लिए, या एक मोनोलिथ में (एक या अधिक चीजें) परिवर्तित करने के लिए।

  • Examples:
    1. Secondary waste solids such as fines from high-temperature filters and the bag house can be mixed with the bed product and monolithed for disposal.

    2. [Fatema] Mernissi constructs a single dominant view of sexuality among Muslims while she purports to be doing sociology or anthropology. [I]s it Mernissi's contention that only Islam is monolithed in stone by an overarching patriarchy?

noun संज्ञा

Monolith meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. A large, single block of stone which is a natural feature; or a block of stone or other similar material used in architecture and sculpture, especially one carved into a monument in ancient times.

    पत्थर का एक बड़ा, एकल खंड जो एक प्राकृतिक विशेषता है; या वास्तुकला और मूर्तिकला में प्रयुक्त पत्थर या अन्य समान सामग्री का एक ब्लॉक, विशेष रूप से एक जो प्राचीन काल में एक स्मारक में उकेरा गया था।

  • Examples:
    1. Chimney Rock State Park is one of North Carolina's newest state parks. Its most famous landmark is the park's namesake, a spectacular granite monolith known as Chimney Rock, providing panoramic views of Lake Lure, the surrounding mountains, and nearby Piedmont.

    2. Foothold Ruin sits on an isolated sandstone monolith with additional rooms at the base. Access up the monolith is by a set of footholds in the rockface.

    3. I do not think that the idea of a serpent with a ball at its mouth is so very palpable a religious symbol, and one so innate, that it should be the very first thing which would occur as an emblem of the great deity of the waters, to aboriginal Egyptians, to monolith-setters in Brittany, to mound-builders in Ohio, to Peruvians and Mexicans.

    4. On 2 April 1901 Doyle wrote to his mother from Rowe's Duchy Hotel at Princetown: We did fourteen miles over the moor to-day and are now pleasantly weary. It is a great place, very sad and wild, dotted with the dwellings of prehistoric man, strange monoliths and huts and graves.

    5. Rumour, with her thousand tongues, affirms that the "Prince Albert Memorial" will not take the form of a monolith; we shall not be sorry to learn the fact of some more suitable monument having been decided upon.

    6. Similar engines are erected in Yorkshire on concrete foundations, with a top layer of monolith or Bramley Fall stone, costing from £800 to £1000.

    7. The Washington Monument is often described as an obelisk, and sometimes even as a "true obelisk," even though it is not. A true obelisk is a monolith, a pylon formed out of a single piece of stone.

    8. The practice of using large blocks of stone, either as monoliths or as forming parts of structures, has existed from the earliest times in all parts of the world.

    9. The width of a monolith is the distance between monolith joints as measured along the axis of the dam. In recent construction, monolith widths have been commonly set at approximately 50 feet but with some structures having monoliths ranging from 30 to 80 feet.

    10. Tomb of Napoleon I. Twelve colossal statues, by [James] Pradier, representing as many victories, stand against the pilasters, facing the tomb, consisting of an immense monolith of porphyry, weighing 135,000 lbs., and brought from Lake Onega in Finland at a cost of 140,000fr.

  • 2. Anything massive, uniform, and unmovable, especially a towering and impersonal cultural, political, or social organization or structure.

    कुछ भी बड़े पैमाने पर, एकसमान और अचल, विशेष रूप से एक विशाल और अवैयक्तिक सांस्कृतिक, राजनीतिक, या सामाजिक संगठन या संरचना।

  • Examples:
    1. But English society is no monolith, and it is a gross simplification to force it into one mould.

    2. For whatever reason, one knows that the Senegalese poet-president [Léopold Sédar Senghor] became the Father of the ideology, cleverly weaving a network of cultural contributions and atavistic, essential, and behavioral components into a kind of black monolith hardly acceptable to anyone.

    3. Intentionally or not, the movie [Ralph Breaks the Internet] makes Disney feel as enormous as the internet itself, containing a series of micro-targeted idiosyncrasies and in-jokes that are nonetheless controlled by a cultural monolith (whether that's Disney or whatever massive corporation owns your local ISP).

    4. It was the setting up of generalizations of the first kind in [Charles J.] Fillmore (1966a, b) and (1968a) that awarded case grammar the role of being, besides abstract syntax, the second crack in the transformational monolith of the late sixties.

    5. Recent scholarship on colonial history has demonstrated that British America was not simply an English but rather a multicultural society. Far from being a homogeneous monolith, colonial society comprised many divergent races and ethnic groups.

    6. Southern Democratic plantation masters' prestige and dominance were equivalent to monolith monarchs. They had influence around the world, especially within the political arena.

  • 3. A substrate having many tiny channels that is cast as a single piece, which is used as a stationary phase for chromatography, as a catalytic surface, etc.

    एक सब्सट्रेट जिसमें कई छोटे चैनल होते हैं जो एक टुकड़े के रूप में डाले जाते हैं, जो क्रोमैटोग्राफी के लिए एक स्थिर चरण के रूप में, उत्प्रेरक सतह के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, आदि।

  • Examples:
    1. The conference chairman, Alois Jungbauer, Ph.D., professor at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, defined a monolith as a continuous stationary-phase cast as a homogeneous column in a single piece. Monoliths are further characterized by a highly interconnected network of channels, most with sizes ranging from 1 to 5 µm. The adsorptive surface is directly accessible to solutes as they pass through the column.

    2. [W]ork performed by Gough et al. looked at the long-term culture (28 days) of craniofacial fibroblasts seeded on to monolith calcium/sodium phosphate glass surfaces.

  • 4. A dead tree whose height and size have been reduced by breaking off or cutting its branches.

    एक मृत वृक्ष जिसकी शाखाओं को तोड़कर या काटकर उसकी ऊँचाई और आकार को छोटा कर दिया गया है।

  • Examples:
    1. Stumps of older fallen trees, known as upright monoliths, have incredible environmental value and can provide a home and food source for insects for decades.

    2. Unexpectedly, even some of the monoliths are throwing out new shoots. This is great news, as these trees contain ancient woodland DNA, so are a very valuable seedbank. Further along the site, Penny shows me a famous translocated stump... the Cubbington pear tree. The stump was translocated, and the trunk used as a monolith - but not before dozens of cuttings had been taken, some of which are growing nearby. And the stump? It's already throwing out dozens of new shoots as it's become re-established.

    3. [page 98] If a stub is to be retained, either for the reasons stated above, or when a tree is to be reduced to a "monolith", unconventional methods of cutting or fracturing (not recommended in BS 3998) may be employed, [page 147] Even dead standing or fallen trees are important, and so owners should be encouraged to be untidy-minded and to leave monoliths or fallen dead wood in situ.

  • Synonyms

    monolithically (अखंड रूप से)

    monolithic (अखंड)

    monolithal (अखंड)

    monolithism (अखंडवाद)

adjective विशेषण

Monolithic meaning in hindi


  • Definition

    imposing in size or bulk or solidity

    आकार या थोक या दृढ़ता में थोपना

  • Synonyms

    massive (बड़ा)

    monumental (स्मरणार्थ)

adjective विशेषण

Monolithic meaning in hindi


  • Definition

    characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity

    व्यापकता और कठोरता और कुल एकरूपता की विशेषता है

  • Definition

    a monolithic society

    एक अखंड समाज