adjective విశేషణము

Lutheran meaning in telugu


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of the Protestant Church adhering to the views of Luther

    లూథర్ యొక్క అభిప్రాయాలకు కట్టుబడి ఉన్న ప్రొటెస్టంట్ చర్చి యొక్క శాఖ యొక్క లేదా సంబంధిత లేదా లక్షణం

  • Example

    Lutheran doctrines

    లూథరన్ సిద్ధాంతాలు

adjective విశేషణము

Lutheran meaning in telugu


  • Definition

    of or pertaining to Martin Luther or his teachings

    మార్టిన్ లూథర్ లేదా అతని బోధనలకు సంబంధించినది

  • Example

    the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith alone

    విశ్వాసం ద్వారా మాత్రమే సమర్థించబడాలనే లూథరన్ సిద్ధాంతం

adjective విశేషణము

Lutheran meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. Of or pertaining to the theology of Martin Luther (1483–1546) or his followers, or the Lutheran church.

    మార్టిన్ లూథర్ (1483–1546) లేదా అతని అనుచరులు లేదా లూథరన్ చర్చి యొక్క వేదాంతానికి సంబంధించినది.

  • Examples:
    1. A Lutheran understanding of the Lord’s Supper is not the same as that of other denominations.

    2. On the borders of that river [the Volga] 104 colonies have ſettled, conſiſting of Germans, who emigrated to thoſe parts in the years of dearth and famine. Theſe colonies have already three Calviniſt, and four Lutheran ministers.

    3. [A] number of Lutheran priests were involved in the activities of the EHS [Estonian Heritage Society]. The EELC[Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church] identified itself again as 'the people's church' and stressed the connection between the Lutheran Church and Estonian national identity, although the alleged connection with radical nationalism is an exaggeration.

    4. [I]f when Luther firſt began to teach new doctrine, the catholiks at that time had not vouchſafed to giue him the hering, but had auoided his prechings & preuy couenticles, ther had not bin now in the worlde, either Lutheran, Swinglian, Calueniſt, Puritan, Anabaptiſt, Trinetarie, Family of loue, Adamite, or the lyke: whereof now there are ſo many thouſands abroad, al ſpringing of that firſt ſecte, and troubling at this day the whole worlde,

noun నామ వాచకము

Lutheran meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. A member of any of the Christian churches which identify with the theology of Martin Luther.

    మార్టిన్ లూథర్ యొక్క వేదాంతాన్ని గుర్తించే క్రైస్తవ చర్చిలలో ఏదైనా సభ్యుడు.

  • Examples:
    1. The split between the Lutherans and the Roman Catholics began with the Edict of Worms in 1521.

    2. At this memorable Diet of Speyer (1529), a compact Roman Catholic majority faced a weak Lutheran minority. The Emperor, through his commissioners, declared at the outset that he abolished, "by his imperial and absolute authority (Machtvollkommenheit)," the clause in the ordinance of 1526 on which the Lutherans had relied when they founded their territorial Churches; it had been the cause, he said, "of much ill counsel and misundestanding." It was this ordinance which called forth the celebrated Protest, from which comes the name Protestant. The Protest was read in the Diet on the day (April 19th, 1529) when all concessions to the Lutherans had been refused.

    3. George of Mecklenburg, a younger brother of the reigning Duke, an active and ambitious Prince, collected a conſiderable number of thoſe ſoldiers of fortune who had accompanied Henry of Brunſwick in all his wild enterprizes; and though a zealous Lutheran himſelf, invaded the territories of the Magdeburgers, hoping that, by the merit of this ſervice, he might procure ſome part of their domains to be allotted to him as an eſtabliſhment.

    4. [I]f you had bene but ſo conuerſante in Caluine[John Calvin] as your profeſsion requireth, you could not ſo far haue bene ouerſeene in this eaſie diſtinction knowen to Catholike, Lutheran and Zuinglian, although when Caluine wrote thus, perhaps he was more then halfe a Lutheran, and not ſo far gone in Zuinglianiſme as after.